
Showing posts from 2016

Description of Brain

The brain consists of two hemisphere with cleavage between them. The larger brain contains grey matter. It is covered with a layer of grey matter on all sides, forming nodes. Its upper part is covered with a membrane made of capillaries. Brain is the name given to this collective structure. Scientists state that a part of the brain passes through the neck and the spinal cord to the waist. It has 12 pairs of nerves radiating to all parts of the body. One part of the brain houses memory, desire, intellect and so on. If this part of the brain is damaged in any way, the ability of man to carry out mental functions will be considerably reduced. From the lower part of the brain issue 12 pairs of nerves.One of them is known as cranial nerve. Every pair in the body conveys message to sense organs. One pair conveys the sense of smell while other pairs convey the sense of sight, sense of sound, sense of taste etc. There are other nerves, which control the movement of eyeball, the movement ...

Where does thought emanate from?

Brain is the seed of thought. It is the central organ which controls and commands all actions. Compare to other sense organ, it is highly powerful, complete whole and perfect. It has such tremendous power that it can hardly be described. Apparently it is still, immobile and it is the center where thoughts come to life and move outwards. The intensity of thought depends on whether our desire is weak or strong.

Power Of Thought

Bear in mind thought is not a mean and small thing. It is packed with strength. In fact, no other thing is strong as thought. God, the most gracious and the most magnificent has coffered on us this precious gift, which is second to none. Because of it, man has raised himself to the supreme position among all living creatures. It has also placed on us the great duty of polishing it like a jewel and we should lead it along the road of our choice. When we find ourself up against the rock for some reason or other, we can overcome it by the use of thought. In other word we must increase the strength of our thought in order to push aside the gathering tides of misery. This exactly is the method, which we should apply to initiate self-improvement and to acquire the intimate knowledge and unlimited love of god. The nature of thought is such that the type of thought we cultivate, is generally reflected in our work. If we keep ourself ringed around by miserable thoughts we will se fear glar...