
Showing posts from February, 2017

Mental power

When the brain is engaged in the thought- process it leads to the increment of same kind of natural randhras (pores) in its gross part.When we dissect the human body after death, we find that if it is that of an intellectual person, the brain is larger and has more grooves than that of ordinary people. The greater the number of grooves, the wider the size of the adipose tissue which lies close to the thought-process. Similarly, the gross part of the body and the brain can be increased in size by means of physical exercise. Hence, those who wish to improve and develop them should exercise the thought process on a daily basis. This will also lead to the rapid improvement of other natural processes, producing corresponding betterment in our physical and mental development at greater speed and with more effect.This process should follow a definite course. Once it has run its full course, our mental faculty will be improved to such an extent that our ability to deal with ordinary question...

Mutual influence of the brain

When waves of love, protest, praise or contempt are released from one's brain, they have their impact on the brains of others producing similar emotions. If you love someone his response will be similar. It acts both ways.The sentiments arising in you will produce similar sentiments in others and vice- versa. Mind is closely related to the brain.The hollow inside the brain is a primary source of thought. The brain-sky is a part of the all, embracing greater sky. When thoughts or wishes take shape in the brain-sky, they travel towards the greater sky by means of air. Or the subtle waves of will-power will move out of the confining curtain of the brain and they will spread out in the greater sky at a fast pace, if they are strong. If they are weak or feeble, they will just manage to penetrate the brain Curtain and get lost after traveling a short distance.

Mental freedom

Mental freedom is the highest achievement of man.You must always bear in mind that you have exterminated all miseries.You are now a free soul.Alone and early in the morning, keeping your body still and your mind at peace, repeat the above-mentioned conviction again and again and at the same time repeat your firm determination; I am fully resolved to master my will-power.This can be practiced at any time of the day: You do not have to wait for early morning. Shut your eyes to what is going on around you. Stand erect and take a deep breath and hold before you the supreme power, like a lamp. "I am gifted with power. I am gifted with perseverance to fulfil the task in hand." This is the incantation which you should repeat several times a day with full force and self-control. If you recite it with full determination as a lesson handed down from a teacher, you Can multiply will-power, personal magnetism, mental power and practical efficiency of yourself and of all those who c...


In this world Will-power is transformed into resolution. Man is determined by resolution and resolution is determined by man. It is the will-power of man that shapes his destiny and that also determines the outcome of the will. We must keep up a sense of success in all our activities in this world so long as our sense of power is not transformed permanently into self- confidence. When your mind is taken over by contrary thoughts, you should wave them aside as false and unfounded.This is how you can do away with gloomy thoughts. Sit alone and bring peace to your mind and, taking refuge in the exalted and joyous state as mentioned above, repeat to yourself your conviction, " I am achievement for the sake of achievement; I shall without doubt achieve success; I am fully determined to attain the goal." Let these feelings have free play in your mind for some time.

How to strengthen the brain?

The following drugs have been found useful in strengthening the brain and increasing the capacity of memory. For the benefit of the reader the names of some efficacious drugs are listed below: Ground coral, Refined butter, Brahmi arista, Brahmi oil, Refined powder, Refined saraswatarista, Malkangani oil, Dry fruits like almond etc should be taken in proper form. Based on my own personal experience and supported by experiments carried out on others I give below the formula for the benefit of the reader and the general public: Brahmi Oil - 10g Bacha - 5mg Sweet Kuth - 6mg Pumpkin Seed - 20gm Ustarbaddus - 9mg Ground Coriander - 9mg Gorakhamudi - 9mg Ground Rose Leaf - 10gm Almond pieces - 10 Mala kanngani - 10gm Banshalochan - 20gm Cardamom - 10gm Candy - 100gm Grind all the above ingredients along with 1 silver or gold foil, divide the powder into doses of 9mg each and mix it with 20g of butter or cream.Taken regularly, this preparation will certainly remove the weakn...