How to strengthen the brain?

The following drugs have been found useful in strengthening the brain and increasing the capacity of memory. For the benefit of the reader the names of some efficacious drugs are listed below: Ground coral, Refined butter, Brahmi arista, Brahmi oil, Refined powder, Refined saraswatarista, Malkangani oil, Dry fruits like almond etc should be taken in proper form. Based on my own personal experience and supported by experiments carried out on others I give below the formula for the benefit of the reader and the general public:

Brahmi Oil - 10g
Bacha - 5mg
Sweet Kuth - 6mg
Pumpkin Seed - 20gm
Ustarbaddus - 9mg
Ground Coriander - 9mg
Gorakhamudi - 9mg
Ground Rose Leaf - 10gm
Almond pieces - 10
Mala kanngani - 10gm
Banshalochan - 20gm
Cardamom - 10gm
Candy - 100gm

Grind all the above ingredients along with 1 silver or gold foil, divide the powder into doses of 9mg each and mix it with 20g of butter or cream.Taken regularly, this preparation will certainly remove the weakness of the brain.

You are the maker of your own character. It is the will- power that safeguards the character of the man in a wonderful way. The brain is a reservoir of unlimited force. It is the factory where worldly success is manufactured. If the will-power is strong enough, the brain can be moulded in anyway we like. It also enables us to bear pain, whatever its intensity.Will-power gains strength with regular practice.After reinforcing the center of the brain it can be utilized in achieving our desired object. The body is governed by our mind. In the same way, our wishes govern our mind. Desire may also be viewed as the power which enables us to have self-control. In the end, it is the soul which decides how this power is put to use. It is, therefore, essential that will-power should function within the parameters set by us.


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