What is thought?

While pondering about what thought is about, the following questions naturally occur: where does it come from? How does thought influence us? How potent is thought? What is the form of thought? What is its color? What are the ways to change the texture of thoughts? What are the benefits we gain from thought? In actual fact, every thought has its form and color, too. In the same way, thoughts have vitality of their own. ‘Thought-element’ in invisible and it cannot be seen with our external eyes. Thoughts originate from atoms, and they are so subtle that we cannot imagine. The smaller the particle, the more potent it becomes. So, thought being the tiniest particle is regarded to have possessed the greater force than those of electricity and others.

Animate and subtle things possess greater than strength inanimate things. For example, clay is finer than stone; as such clay is stronger than stone. Comparatively speaking, clay is less inanimate than stone, as a result clay has more vitality than stone. As compared to clay, water is more refined and subtler than clay. As a result, the latter is more useful and powerful than the former, Vapor is more subtle than water and air is thinner and stronger than vapor. Ether or sound is subtler than air. Compared to sound, light moves faster than. Similarly compared to light, the energy of electricity is subtler and stronger. But the strength of thought is greater than that of electricity. Although there may be many things in Earth which moves faster than thought, we are not yet aware of their existence.

The mind lies beyond the realm of the senses, so the wisdom beyond the realm of the mind, the cosmic intelligence beyond the realm of wisdom, the unmanifested name or nature beyond the realm of the cosmic intelligence and the Ultimate Reality beyond the realm of the unmanifested name or nature.
In this way, one is stronger and subtler than the other on the scale. An American scholar has stated, light travels at the rate of 186,000 miles per second and thought travels at the speed between 400000000000000000 to 700000000000000000 miles per second. Thought waves are fragmented and are impeded to some extent by sunlight. During the night or when it is dark, the speed of thought – waves is greater than at any other time and there is nothing to obstruct its force.

Next: [Life - the product of thought]


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