Conquest of evil thought

Although to think good is a simple task, we tend to avoid it. The reason for it is quite simple: we have fallen into a habit of thinking evil instead of thinking good. If an orchard is covered with weeds, good fruit-bearing plants do not get any chance to flourish. But if the cultivator is wide-awake and smart enough, he will dig out all those weeds and throw them away. Because the orchard of our mind is covered with evil thoughts, good thoughts are unable to find room for growth.

Under the circumstances, our task is to get rid of the rank growth of weeds so that good thoughts may get a chance to strike root and grow luxuriantly. the roots of big trees lie deep, whereas weeds have superficial roots. We may liken evil thoughts to weeds and good thoughts to fruit-bearing trees.

As Lord Krishna has said in "The Gita", "Sin is like a piece of dry wood and knowledge is like fire". Wood maybe huge in quantity and the flame may be small in size. But the flame has the power to reduce the whole faggot to ashes. Similarly though small in quantity good thoughts have the potential to destroy evil thoughts, no matter how deep they are rooted they are and how long since they have been accumulating. Masters of scriptures have sung the praise of good thoughts. Bad thoughts maybe many in number and good thoughts may be few and far between. Even then good thoughts gain in strength from day to day and in the end good thoughts prevail over evil thoughts. Recitation of five-syllabic, six-syllabic, twelve syllabic and other holy formula have freed man from grave sins. For example, a man may have spent almost all his life thinking evil, but he will earn merit if he sincerely thinks good at some time towards the end of his life. that is to say although yo have spent most of your life. That is to say although you have spent most of your life harboring evil thoughts you need not to lose all hope asking yourself what will be the use of  thinking good so late in life. Good  thoughts are stronger than evil thoughts. Good thoughts should be put into practice in word, deed and thought. You must be absorbed in them and your only motive should be love. Evil thoughts should not be allowed to peep in that state of absorption even for a second. It is, however; important to know what kind of thoughts are uppermost in the minds of the most of the people of today.

Next [Road to riches]


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