Far-reaching consequences of evil thought
When we indulge in evil thoughts that will not only harm us but also will cast their evil influence on others and their influence can travel very far indeed. For Example: if a father gets angry at the slightest mistake of his son, the words eminating from that mood of anger will not be confined between the father and his son. Nut they will go forward in other direction. They will get mixed up with the angry thoughts of the others and adds to their intensity. Going round and round, these thought may enter a head of a person living in a far - off country who is having an argument with his wife. Acting under this redoubled burst of anger, he thrashes his wife mercilessly. Later when his anger subsides, he deplores his actions and says to himself, "Why did I beat my wife so severely for such a trivial offense? It is a small error on her part, perhaps she is bit behind time. These are minor offences and yet why did i beat her so much?" An so on and so forth. When he was angry, his intention was to reprimand his wife so that she may not err again and again. But he himself did not know why he had taken such a drastic action instead of lightly scolding her. He did not realize that his fury was compounded by the anger eminating from other sources. In short, every angry thought draws towards it's similar thoughts flowing from other minds. So , where angry thoughts are in existence, they amalgamate with similar thoughts originating from other sources. Similar is the case of other worldly emotions where the topics of discussions are gods mercy, truth, none-violence, love and philosophy, they get attracted to similar thoughts rising like webs in other parts of the world. Interpreted broadly, this is what we mean when we say like - poles attract and unlike poles repeal. Each thought, though small in size at the beginning gets manifested as it is reinforced by identical thoughts. As has been stated above, the characteristic of the thought is to attract thoughts of the same nature. Everybody can not grasp this axiom unless they know fully well the force, influence, mystery and nature of thought and its grandeur. Such questions do not trouble dear conscience Never less regular exercise of wishing enables in the long run to understand the truth that it is all happening out of resolution and that it resides in the resolution itself. We can not draw a limit to what the resolution can not do. In the beginning what was indivisible bliss got oblivious of his own infinity under suppression of his own resolution and was then assumed to be the fragmented one and watch simply the manifestation of bliss transformed in to the limited being by his own will. This is the proof, if proof is needed, to support the thesis that a form resolution has miraculous power. Is there anything that a firm resolution can not achieve?
Being oblivious of his own none dualistic form, the indivisible soul sees his own reflection on the mirror of his own creations and manifests himself in the form of joys and sorrows, and forgetting of his own conscious self, he begin to think of himself as subject and object. This is the miracle of resolution or thought.
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