Brain Power
A person experiences the external world through the five senses organs with the help of fine nerves, which are connected to the brain instantaneously. These organs carry out their respective function. They are the conduits of worldly pain and pleasure. It s, therefore, most important that we keep these senses fully functional. Every sense organ is a specialized entity. One can not take over the function of another. Eyes. for example, cannot hear no can the ear can see. When we over stretch the built in capacity of an organ, it maybe damaged. When the organs are impaired, the message are instantly transmitted to the brain because a network of nerve issuing from brain encompass the whole body. No part of the body, is beyond the reach of its network except the epidermis, the hair, nail etc. A living being can have no idea about what is going on until the brain receives appropriate stimulus. If ant danger is threatens any part of the body the brain counters it. if you tread on a rope while walking in darkness, it rings a bell of alarm in the brain suspecting the presence of a snake. The brain alerts all the sense organs. In particular, it sends out message to the leg to lift the foot without any loss of time. If a message goes to the heart, it palpitates at a fast rate. To the hands goes the message to pick up a stick and get ready to go into action.Thus in receipt of the orders from the brain all the organs get ready to carry out their respective functions. It shows that the brain is the most important organ among all others. Unaided by the brain, the given situation may end on death. Pure blood is needed for making the brain. The food taken by the person is segmented in to different elements in the abdomen with the help of various enzymes. Waste matters are ejected int he form of faeces, the refined portion is transformed into blood, then into flesh nourishing the body, then from flesh into adipose, then into bone, then into semen. The greater the part of the food we eat should consist of Sattwika ingredients with will help create pure blood because intellectual labour demands a greater quantity of pure blood.
Great sages and wise men even appear to be weak while preserving semen. The reason for its being so is that they have to extract maximum energy from their brain causing depletion of the nutrients from the blood. A student looses his physical power to a large extent, if he reads and writes for the 24 hours of day. Fear and anxiety slow down the flow of the blood. How can he expect to have greater vitality when the quantity of the blood is lessening> Wise men have higher caliber brains generating various experiences. So, if you put your brain to greater use it is but natural that it should lose strength.
There are three type of blood that strengthen the brain. They are Sattwik food, Rajasic food and the Tamasic food. Among them the Sattwik food group nourishes the brain, the Rajasic food group creates a sort of stimulant and speed instinct but quickly drains the food group that is meant for the nourishment of the brain. Similarly Tamasic food group helps manufacture adipose tissues and make one sleepy almost all the time. Also it adds to the bulk of the body and does a good deal of harm to the brain. The food that goes to enlarge one's body cannot produce sharpens of the brain. or this reason, our food intake must consist of Sattwik food only like milk, butter, rice, wheat, barley, banana, grape,apple and other easily digestible things.
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