Factors causing the weakness of the brain

Improper foods, polluted air, dirty clothes, unwashed body excessive thinking, and intake of alcoholic beverages, tight dresses, and tight shoes put pressure on the brain. Excessive physics excercise and total absentation from physical exercise both cause harm to the brain. To live in the midst of alarm and to assume a wrong posture while reading in something that harms the brain very much. Similarly if you do physical exercise while you are hungry and if you read, write or meditate deeply immediately after a heavy meal, it will cause damage to your brain and stomach because stomach attracts blood for digestive purpose and brain attracts blood towards it for mental activities. In case the thing we should remember is that no intellectual excertion should follow immediately after meal. In the same way meat, sour and pungent things, dry cereals, stale and rotten grains, slow digestible foods, opium, cannabis and other toxic drugs, alcoholic drinks like toddy, tobacco, excessive sexual activities and masturbation, and free rein to lust, anger, avarice, attachment, pride all these activities harm the brain.

If we read and write continuously for long stretches of the time, if we stay awake till late at night, if we defy all rules of hygiene, if we engage our self in the mental activities for an excessive length of time we may be subject to all kind of mental problems including lunacy. Its first symptoms are headache, insomnia, amnesia, vertigo, dyspepsia, anorexia, wet dreams etc. The temperament of the patient changes after sometimes. He becomes irritable and short tempered. He becomes gloomy. Indolence marks his every activity that is the nature's signal to make him aware that he should do something to reverse the unhealthy trend. If the patient does not take heed even at this stage, the disease is intensified and his vision becomes blurred. He becomes subject to virulent disease like impotency, paralysis, constipation, indigestion, hepatitis etc. Any of them may prove fatal so wisdom lies in taking care while there is time.


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