Factors contributing to progress
The Path of progress is paved with good resolution.The world owes its origin and continuity to resolution. He Who has come face to face with this reality is guaranteed to make rapid progress. The road may be beset with many difficulties but they cannot impede his forward movement. Misery does not dodge his steps in this world, He finds happiness in this world and the world to come.
Th's world is the playground of will-power. It has come into being out of resolution. One who knows the truth of this matter finds himself always away from the mess of sorrow.When we know for certain that the joys and sorrows around us are the products of our own will they cannot make us much miserable as they could otherwise have. In other words. when we hurt ourselves the resulting pain will not be as acute as the pain we get when others hurt us. Interpreted broadly, this is what we mean when we say like-poles attract and un-like poles repel.
To him who believes that the divine will is the origin of the universe it cannot be a vale of sorrow or even if he finds it painful it will be not so excruciating because he knows that the same divine will is at the base of sorrow. If we dwell on Opposite thoughts, the strength of the previous thoughts will get lost. This knowledge is also the foundation of our theology. Accordingly, our theology lays down the fundamental forms of numerous actions and the various forms of worship.All of them boil down to one thing-to produce favorable thoughts and to do away with unfavorable thoughts hanging around in the mind.
If we unveil the secret of action and worship we shall find that the actions taken by living beings are found to be contrary to the pursuit of happiness out of ignorance.That is to say, thoughts running counter to misery should be planted with great care and circumspection. So that the desired results can be achieved.The roots of thought are nurtured by the recitation of magical formula. It is for this reason that lord Krishna has said in the Gita that (Of all Yajnas I am the Japa Yajna.) Ignorance is the root of all our joys and sorrows. As soon as thought takes its proper form, it elbows out ignorance and makes it mortal. Ignorance also assumes a form, which becomes the source of misery to all living creatures.
Hence, in order to eliminate all forms of misery the best way is to hold fast to such thoughts as are opposed to them. All our holy texts are unanimous in prescribing acquisition of knowledge as the
only way to uproot misery. (Knowledge is the key to avoidance of misery and achievement of salvation or deliverance). Such knowledge can be achieved only through unwavering meditation.
Recitation of Gayatri incantation leads to success. It is open to Brahmins, the Kshatriyas and Vaishyas only.We should learn Gayatri Mantra (holy chants) along with other incantations from the
vocalization of the teachers and recite them accordingly; that is how we can fulfil our deep-seated thought and become learned in our own right. It is beyond the shadow of a doubt. He who constantly
implants good thoughts in his mind with a will,will succeed in gaining all his wishes. It leaves no room for doubt whatsoever. I have full faith in it. I have personally experienced many outstanding results flowing from steady thoughts and firm resolutions.They have been borne out by the oriental sages of the past together with modern accidental philosophers and thinkers.
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