Curative aspects of thought

No disease find entry into our body by itself. It comes only on our invitation and that too, timidly. It is because we think more about the disease we think of it so deeply and play with it so constantly and persistently that we seem to wish for its onset. We ourselves invite the disease with open arms making it easy to sneak in.

Our ancient sage has proved that God, the most benevolent and compassionate, has constructed the structure of our body in such a way that no disease can set foot inside it without our will and consent. The disease that comes in with our every inhalation goes out with our every exhalation. In the same way, most of our disease are expelled along with our perspiration and some are eliminated through urination. Some are reduced to ashes bu our body heat, some are destroyed by our will power and the bran power and some are destroyed by the circulation of pure blood. Similarly, several disease invading our body may succeed in having their way with the help of our evil thoughts. The wish of God is to keep us healthy and beautiful. He wishes that we may gain more and more knowledge until we attain perfection. That is why, no disease can come into our body by itself because it is visiting will not be welcome. Rather it will have the join the battle and swallow bitter pills. That is to say we can fight disease by simple methods. To get rid of disease is a natural bodily process. Nature is not against it. We ca free ourselves of the most severe illness with the help of self knowledge and will-power in a simple manner, If we fall ill, even though we have such favorable conditions, who is to blame? Nobody is to blame except us. All the disease that are rampant in this world are the products of misdeeds of most of our ailments. As such, all the stages are united in staging, "you are the master of your destiny. You can, if you wish, remove the entire gamut of pains and sufferings born of disease."


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