Good result springing from good thought

If we really understand the consequences of our thoughts and our ability to influence others, and if we can really understand that the impression can be made on us by the thoughts of others we shall not have any moment left for dwelling on misery, sin, disease or death. If we can fully understand the harm caused to us and others when we harbour the thought of misery and despair, we shall have
no reason to be frightened. On this subject, learned men and subtle thinkers are of the opinion that thoughts can never remain neutral. It will always end up in good or bad results.Just as a tiny seed can
contain within itself the form of a 'Bodh' tree, a minor thought can yield a great result. If such is not the case, we can never improve our life and attain salvation. However, such is the blessing of God,
the most benevolent, that he does not allow our thoughts to go waste. Rather he repays them with compound interest. Just as a small stream of water assumes the form of a roaring river, thoughts are
though small like a fig tree that may branch out in all directions to confer on man the infinite greatness of Narayan (the Lord). That is we should always cultivate good thoughts and keep away from thoughts of fear;misery,despair,disease and so on.


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